Anonymous Hamburg

defending internet freedom against cults and governments

das Kilma wird imemr shclimmer
deswegen dachte ein paar anon lass ma ne wetterfester Transpla
oder Banner besorgen

grösse 180cm X 75cm

was soll darauf stehen

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Scientology - Feels bad man.
moar text vorschläge

EINsendeshcluss ist der 05.01.2010
Es war noch nie so leicht auszusteigen - tu es!
It has never been so easy to leave - DO IT!
anona-hh said:
Es war noch nie so leicht auszusteigen - tu es!
It has never been so easy to leave - DO IT!
in deutsch und englisch finde ich ne gute idee
Wie wärs mit
-Lebe das wahre Leben!
-Draussen fragt niemand wie oft du heute schon onaniert hast!
-Wahrer Glaube kostet kein Geld!
knowledges is free
Scientology not

Dianetik i lol´d

Intelligent Design Alien Intervention Dianetik
Religion ist frei
Scientology ist weder noch

Guten Freunden gibt man ein Küsschen
und nicht sein ganzes Geld

Steig aus
Es ist noch nicht zu spät

Wir sind für Religions- und Meinungsfreiheit
Scientology nicht

Lisa McPherson; Stacy Grove Meyer; Susan Meister; Paride Ella; Giuseppe Tomba; Gabriella Bramucci; Wilhelm Mack; Michael Leube; Bob Mills; Quentin Hubbard; John Buchanan; Nancy Graham; Sue Mueller; Richard Collins; Patrice Vic; Albert Jaquier; Rudolf Willems; Albert Jaquier -Rudolf Willems; Karen Simon; Diane Colletto; Mary Florence; Rodney Rimando; Scott Leland; Larrayne Johnston; Rodney G. Rimando; Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch ; Sally Esterman; Susan Todhunter; Phoebe Mauerer; Jens Bogvad; Betty Filisky; Peggy Bankston; Daphne Parselle; Ellen Carder; Carrie Slaughterbeck, Margarit Winkelmann; Josephus A. Havenith; Andreas Ostertag; Peter E. Frei; Heribert Pfaff; Roger Nind; Andreas Ostertag; Peter Ernst Frei; Ed Brewer; Gregory Bradford Wisner; Pius Keel; Konrad Aigner; Ed Mooney; Noah Lottick; Jocelyne Dorfmann; Terry McCaan; Sandra Meirsdorff; Mary Stouffer; Robert Thorburn; Suzine Van Sickle; Dabney Taliaferro Waring; James Stewart.......
Why are they dead?

Eure Freunde lieben euch
Eure Familien lieben euch
Anonymous Liebt euch
Scientology liebt euer Geld

Scientology trennt euch von:

Eurem Zuhause
Eurem Geld
Euren Freunden
Euren Familien
Euren Träumen
Euren Menschenrechten
Euren Ärzten
Eurem Leben
Eurer Persönlichkeit

Es ist an der Zeit sich von Scientology zu trennen

einen haufen an Hubbard Zitaten kreuz und quer:

oh gott ichhab wieder zuviel anon vids geguckt ich werd moral fag....
wie wärs mit
Scientology (überschrift)
ein Bild von Jackie Chan in der Mitte
naa? NAA? :D
Gordon Freemason said:
wie wärs mit
Scientology (überschrift)
ein Bild von Jackie Chan in der Mitte
naa? NAA? :D

my brain is full of fuck
foundt on wwp:

This is my current list of slogan ideas. I'm not saying they are all good.

i like the idea of using "real" religions to attack "fake" ones such as "Christians against Scientology".


scientology slogans

Are you been lied to

The Cunts of Scientology

Reality used to be friend of mine
Scientology - Reality is not their friend

Walk away - yes you can.

Raw Meat for the Mind Butchers

Scientology is a Suppressive Belief System
Scientology is a Suppressive Religion
Scientology is a Suppressive Church

Scientologists call home (E.T. phrase)
Body Thetans Call Home.

your noble motives will be manipulated by scientology

Wicked is as wicked does
cult is as cult does.

Tom Cruise is not superhuman

reality test what you know to be true...

Scientology - kick the habit.

Scientology - fleece the fools

The man who told you that you would be superhuman was a science fiction writer - think about it

Have you trained your brain to stop thinking correctly.

Make sure you reality test the information your have been told and given.

Scientology is a false reality system.

David/Tom can't walk on water.

Beam me up scotty/xenu/tom/david..

The walk to freedom is one step at a time.

Stop giving your money to millionares.

Improve your levels - buy a self help book from amazon for less than a tenner.

if you were brainwashed - how would you know?

Taking you to a better place

Anonymous - clearing the planet one Org at a time.

Got Problems - Need Solutions.
Don't have anything to do with Scientology. That's One less problem.

scientology is fair game

"If it's not fun, it's not Xenu"
"If it's not fun, it's probably Scientology"

The Legend of Xenu

Do you believe you have been infected by the souls of dead aliens? Scientology does.

Scientology is a prison for your mind.

Salvation for Money? Want to Buy a Bridge.
Infected by Aliens? Want to Buy a Bridge.

Think For Yourself - Question Scientology

Don't Think For Yourself - Join Scientology

Don't Join the Bank of Scientology.

Don't Join the Pyramid of Scientology.

We think, so you don't have to.

David Miscavige is not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!!!
L Ron Hubbard is not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!!!

who gets the money.

For the truth - follow the money.

How much of the truth can you afford.

You can't buy the truth.

The Aliens are coming for their Souls.

It's all about the money.
Scientology - show me the money

How much is David Miscavaige paid.

Get out before they get your secrets
Get out before they get your money.

****** ********* is not a member. - with a picture.
Rupert Murdoch is not a member.
Steven Speilberg is not a member.
Sir Paul McCartney is not a member.
Kylie Minouge is not a member.
Simon Cowell is not a member.
Homer Simpson is not a member.
Bart Simpson is not a member.
Stewie Griffin is not a member.

Choose your heroes, bet they're not a member.

A cult on your own doorstep
A cult in your midst

Scientology = Shitology

The truth has nothing to do with Scientology

Control manipulation explotation

C = Mind Control
H = Manipulation
U = Exploitation
R = Money
C = Power
H = Xenu

Scientology is Spiritual pornography.
Scientology is Religious pornography.

Scientologists will burn in Hell.

Fake truths. Fake solutions. Real money.

Hail to the aliens.

The aliens are inside your mind.
The aliens are a product of your mind.

(Using one belief system to undermine another one)
Christians against Scientology.
Christians against Cults.

L Ron hubbard was the Anti-Christ.

The Church against Scientology.

God Hates Scientologists.

God Hates Xenu.

Jesus is your friend.

God wants you back.

The cross has nothing to do with Scientology
Science has nothing to do with Scientology
Scientology has nothing to do with Science.

Xenu is not your friend
Scientology is not your friend
Scientology - Freedom is not free.

Find the weakness and exploit it
Find the weakness and exploit them
Find their weakness and explot them.
"Finding the Weakness" is not the action of a caring church.

The Catholic Church doesn't say "Find Their Weakness and Exploit it"

Lisa mcpherson/deaths are not the weak point. Xenu is.

scientology is not very nice - know that for free

Q) How do you know when your been exploited
A) Your in the company of scientologists.

Q) How do you know when your been exploited
A) Your in the church of scientology.

Operation Funny Bone - lets tickle scientology into submission
Xenu - laughing Scientology to death

Bleed them dry
Suck them dry

free your mind - walk away from scientology

if you believe the souls of dead aliens are in your body - then scientology is for you.

Do you believe you brain has been infected with the souls of dead aliens. Scientologists do.

Seen on a banner/youtube -
"Scientology wants your money and your mind"
"Parental Advisory - scientology kills"
"caution - do not feed the cult"
"Scientology - Bridge to total poverty"

Scientology - Spiritual Parasites
Church of The Paranoid.
Church of The Deluded.
Church of Money.
It's all about the money, honey.

one word - Xenu
second word - aliens
third word - money
forth word - scam/con
two more words - FUCK SCIENTOLOGY


Scientology has nothing to do with science.
the scientology delsuion.
the xenu delusion

This is war.
This is war. Death to the thetans.
Scientology versus Anonymous - This is war.
Die or die trying.
Everybody dies or dies trying.

Saving the world, one dollar at a time
Saving the world, one alien at a time.
Saving the world, One thetan at a time
Clearing the planet, one dollar at a time
Clearing the planet, one alien at a time.

Scientology - Hiding behind the "stress Test"
Scientology - The truth behind the "stress Test"

"they try to guilt you into backing off"

"what have you done, what have you done
what are your secrets, what are your secrets

Rage Against the Church
Rage Against the Aliens

By any means necessary

scientology labor camps - work camps - concentration camps

Scientology - Coerced abortion, violence, intimidation

100 world religions - which one has the right answer.

say no to lies - say yes to the truth.

this point is the starting point.
everything before this point is obsolete/history.

there's nothing Scientific about Scientology.

death begins at conception for the sea Org.

Have you been told what you belive yet

Pre OT Level 3 - How do you know what you believe in
Save your time and money - Google Xenu (Zee Noo)

Save the World - Google Xenu
Save the World - Google "Incident 2"

Scientology - you are been manipulated

Have you met my friend Xenu(Zee-Noo)

The Cross is for Christians

8 million members in 50 years
6 billion people on the planet
that should take about 37,500 years
160,000 per year
the birth rate is ****
So Planet Clear is impossible
So "clearing the planet" is impossible

Jesus died on the Cross not Xenu
Jesus died on the Cross not Scientologists

Jesus was not a Scientologist

Scientology - the cure for AIDS
Scientology - the cure for Cancer.

Christians Against Scientology

Do Scientologists believe in Evolution.

What Sci's believe - Evolution or The Bible?

Paying lots of money to Scientology won't solve your problems.

We can sovle your problems - Honest...

solving problems? - You are the problem.

Scientology = No Alcohol or Weed/Cannabis
Scientology = No Alcohol + No Cannabis = No Fun.
Scientology = No Alcohol = No Fun.

Scientology - the truth is stranger than fiction

Our way is the only way.

the phrase "Reactive Mind" doesn't appear in any psychology book.
the phrase "engram" doesn't appear in any psychology book.

The Cult calling itself The Church of Scientology
The Cult calling itself a Church

There is no God in the Church of Scientology
The Cross is for Christians not Scientologists.

"there is no suppressive, there never was a suppressive" - qoute from
Scientology is a prision for your mind.
McGyver said:
Say Sci - Say wot?

ich glaub das sind nun file zusammen gekommen
muss halt in deutsch und englisch sein
und wenn es witzig ist währe es auch net schlimm.

sucht mal euro faboriten raus
ich drop meine nach dem raid.
So i hurd u liek Cults.
Scientology - die Franzosen der Sekten.
Scientologen sind dümmer als Chuck Norris.
Scientology ist toll coolface.jpg
I said what what in the cult.
Scientology - Playing the game since 1950
Where no strangers to love, you know this cult and so do i.
Scientology - Some stay dry and others feel the pain.
*advice hubbard* Erstelle schlechte Religionen - verdiene gutes geld.
Scientology ist der Krebs der /hamburg/ tötet.
Scientology - Die Nazis der Sekten.
Mit Scientology stehen wir 2042 wieder in Stalingrad.
HAHA I AM USING THE INTERNET *bild von Hubbard* (>>>>>>>>>)

Just my 2,- Reichsmark

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