Anonymous Hamburg

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David Icke - Live at the Oxford Union

Link: DavidIckeOxford Film 1 1

David Icke Live at the Oxford Union Debating Society

'Big Brother's Not Coming - He's Here'

Tens of millions of people across the globe are now turning to David Icke's extraordinary information as the world he has predicted in his books and talks since 1991 becomes our daily experience.

We are seeing the pages of George Orwell's 'novel', 1984, turning by the hour as the Big Brother surveillance State expands towards its goal of a global fascist dictatorship.

David Icke has spent the last nearly 20 years researching in more than 45 countries and uncovering the cabal of interbreeding families behind this agenda for human enslavement and their goals and methods of operation and manipulation.

In this two-hour presentation at the famous Oxford Union, he encapsulates humanity's current plight and how we can secure our freedom from the Hidden Hand behind global events. It is designed to be a simple introduction to the staggering revelations that he has long exposed in detail in his books.

If you want to know what is really happening in your world, and why, this is not to be missed. Your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren could well depend upon it.

Particularly recommended for people new to this information or to show friends and family to introduce them to the bigger picture.
(David was speaking to highly intelligent Oxford students, so he had to keep it real simple.)

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