Germany is in a unique position to get things right and keep them that way.
Having experienced the darkest hour of "just how bad things can get" it also has the resolve to not only face the past but overcome and progress beyond it.
Not being able to pose the question - "is this right?" is the single undeniable red light in identifying when something is wrong.
Not being able to change, staying fast - clinging to ritual and tradition - is red light #2.
Leadership has the responsibility to care for those that cannot lead. Ones who can fight must defend those who cannot.
And one voice silenced through violence, suppression, or intimidation - is the clear ringing bell that something is wrong here.
Thanks for having the balls to do something about it - although some may call you a coward for not showing your faces - I have already come to the realization, it doesn't matter who you are - it matters
what you are.
Anonymous - I salute you.
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