Anonymous Hamburg

defending internet freedom against cults and governments

(Dieser Blogpost ist in englisch, da unsere deutschen Leser sicher alle selbst dort waren XD)

Yesterday nearly all German Anonymous Cells sent Fags to the freedom not fear Protest in Berlin.
(because of this mainly: German Internet Censorship)

this is part of our engagement within Project Skynet at our Homefront.
(Project Skynet will be explained in detail in a later post)

Here a few details:
International Action Day Freedom not Fear 2009 We demand: [...]
4. Guaranteeing freedom of expression, dialogue and information on the Internet
* no restrictions on Internet access by governmental institutions or internet service providers
* ban the installation of filtering infrastructure on ISP networks
* create a full right to quote multimedia, today indispensable to public debate in democracies
* protect common internet places of expression (participatory sites, forums, comments on blogs) today threatened by inadequate laws encouraging self-censorship (chilling effect)

The plan was to be there and not to wear Masks because it is generally forbidden in Germany to do so, and if Scilons would be present, give em no opportunity to identify us.
But two things happened that changed the plan.
1. the Protest Organisator said Masks are no prblem if removed on command by the police.
2. There were a shitload of Anonymous around showing off masks and getting a extremly positive reaction, so we did too.
There were more Anonymous than I would have imagined, lots of Masks spread in the XBOX HUEGE crowd.

have a few initial pics

A Wild Pirate Party Van appears

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Replies to This Discussion

das war echt richtig geil

aber die pirtaen müssen das mit loveparade track noch mal test
moar partyhard

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