Anonymous Hamburg

defending internet freedom against cults and governments

As you all know Enturbulation has been shut down for reasons still unclear.
there are rumors that a Admin has taken the Server to protect it, others say the Admin unplugged it, out of personal drama and infight.
But it seems pretty secure that it will come online again, but when, noone knows exactly.
the interwebz say it might last four weeks...

As long as we do not know anything for sure, let´s assume thats waht happened to the Enturbulation Server

This has nothing to do with us, we have to continue.

We ARE the heros of the interwebz, and when one site goes down, and our entire campaign fails because of that then we are doing it wrong.

so let´s DO IT RIGHT.

----This Thread is now about Planning of DAY OF THE LULZING DEAD-----

- 1st someone post the ling to it on and replace enturbulation
- 2nd for all the channers among us, like me, lurk on
- 3rd there are new places where we can go for international information on the project
- 4th start fuckin´planin´

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Other place to check out: Marcab Network
Most reliable updates on the Situation (non-troll) can be found here

I would

Rihan said:

money for flyers who would donate?
who was the one that wanted to make signs?
who needs a mask, shall i order?
ill have to get the list of the flaggppl recovered so pm me if you were on the list.
Google Cache, it's your friend.

Bevore moonspeak, i will order flags in a big amount. Thats all what is going on in here, if you should have questions we will answer them.
Also ich werde Flaggen bestellen.

Party Hard! - Anonymous Project Chanology Hamburg
Anon with his flag - Anonymous Project Chanology Hamburg

Das Motiv ist das was ihr seht, größe auch.
Ab 12 Flaggen kostet stück ca 25€ wenns mehr sind wirds billiger.
Ob andere Motive möglich sind muss man noch klären. Wer eine Flagge will soll bei mir bescheid geben. Ich werd so um den 30ten herum bestellen.

Bisher auf der Liste sind:

Maddin 1x, Rihan 2x, Ackerland 1x, Anon004 1x, Herr_Nym 1x, Gambit 1x, Jajanickundso 1x, Mortal Wombat 1x, Clamfrog 1x, Matze 2x, MJ 1x, Frettchen007 1x, Anonymous 1x, Anubis 1x, Isoma 1x, Censor 1x, Garfield 1x, anonemo 1x

Insgesamt : 20

Geplanter vorbestell/preiserfragtermin ist der 15.09.2008 (anfrage ist gestellt warte zur Zeit auf antwort), also fragt eure Freunde ob sie noch brauchen, wollen usw!

Mfg und so
Last edited by Rihan; 09-15-2008 at 11:30 PM.
I wants flag for the new amusement park.

okay since the the enturb backups are restored on whyweprotest, we can go back to the usual routine.

Can someone tell the faggots there(whyweprotest) and at scientology-exposed to stfu with thier drama?

I personally do not care about thier pants full of shit and thier pussy whining because of maybe sold user data, LE, Poppins and Core and other personal vendetta shit?

we have work to do,
and Scientology will not protest itself, so get rerady for OKTOBER ZOMBIE FEST day of the lulzing dead!

Also I still want to do the interview with our resident ex-scilon, can someone help me getting the contact?
Im the one... @signs

And I need two masks, if its possible to organize it.

Rihan said:

who was the one that wanted to make signs?
who needs a mask, shall i order?
ill have to get the list of the flaggppl recovered so pm me if you were on the list.
ich mache ein schild mit "hupe gegen scientology"...
Ich werd auch Schilder machen.
Muss noch schauen welche Opfer ich nehme, aber werden quasi übergroße Todesanzeigen. Auf jedenfall eins für Lisa McPherson und eins für Uwe Stuckenbrock.

Noch jemand ein zwei Vorschläge für solche Plakate?
Würd einer eins auf der Demo haben wollen?

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