Lauren Smilely of our one of two Sanfagcisco alternative weeklies, the SF Weekly, has just published an epic article on fair game and anon. I haven't even read it yet cuz I wanted you to know.
Very long but interesting to read even though the shitstorm on enturb about gorman was not relevant to my interests.
Although I am a regular Thunderdome customer.
The Story is quite good, I really get the feeling we're claiming back our place in the nets
The most important thing is that it was a cover story in a hip weekly reaching 100,000 people, mostly professionals in their 20's and 30's. Lauren Smiley wanted to write about the dark side of scifagottry locally = fair game. Tommy and Victoria are SP's #1. Lauren is now a friend of Anon and is sharing awareness of us in her social circles. Plus, she's hawt.